viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Your almost perfect day...

A orange day, the day with apple flavor, seeing Back to the future 1,2,y 3, Control, Quadraphemia y Trainspotting... listening to background music: zoot suit (the high numbers), my generation (the who), deja te conecto (zoé) and baby please don't go (Them)...
At the same time drinking beer and wishkey, of meal enchiladas, flautas and milanesa...
Place? a place with trees and plants, Marqueza.
Talking about a lack of humanity of people, gringos and regetoneros ...
Be only you..Forgetting your fear of failure and aging ...
And, above all: forgotten your nerves!!...

For: J.M (E).L.P.


4 comentarios:

Tannia dijo...

Uyy que diaa!! jaja peroo algo me dice que no es precisamente el tuyo!? de quien es!!?

Caleidoscopio dijo...

jajaja tú si me conoces!!
exactamente!! no es mi día!!
Peor aún así suena bien, no?


Unknown dijo...

Me fascino la foto muy bien de luz aparte la primera llanta es de un beete turbo s :p

Caleidoscopio dijo...

Jajajajajaja... encontraste tu coche?? jajaja... XD
Siiii!! foto bonita <3